「紙的建築師」Robert Sabuda令立體書迷心醉之作!
輕輕翻開第一頁,就有小機關安靜地等著你。像寫在小紙條上的文字橫亙於圖片上,讓人得拚命忍住好奇心,先將每張紙條都讀完,再一一探索底下究竟。除了上述隨處暗藏的驚喜外,Robert Sabuda以深沉的色彩與氣勢磅礡的跨頁精準傳達野獸出場時的震撼,有別於迪士尼版的傳統造型,令人耳目一新。
想知道最後野獸會如何變回王子?原著裡的各項細節將如何精巧呈現?快跟著《美女與野獸》立體書進行一段峰迴路轉的魔幻旅程吧! (文/博客來編譯)
Even more innovative than his last, Robert Sabuda will captivate all with his latest pop-up masterpiece, Beauty & the Beast!
True love blooms in this three-dimensional adaptation of a beloved fairy tale. Amazing paper structures and classically styled artwork lead readers through a magical tale. Magnificent pop-ups of a life-like Beast, a mysterious castle and a spectacular rose garden make this all-new pop-up masterpiece a must-have for your family's library.
Robert Sabuda is the co-creator of the Encyclopedia Prehistorica and Encyclopedia Mythologica books. He is also the creator of many other best-selling pop-up books, including America the Beautiful, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. He lives in New York City.