What difference has your life made in the world of goodness? The answer can be short, or the answer can branch out along many avenues and be very long. Only you can write your answer Life can be so hard, demanding, and unfair, that spending time caring for your needs can leave little time or ambition to be kind and selfless - right? Why should you act with goodness? Have you ever thought about it? Certainly, no one can force you to be good. However, ultimately, you are responsible and accountable for your share of goodness in this world. If your life has not fostered goodness in one form or another, then you have lived for nothing. Back to Good addresses the universal responsibility for every human being to live with goodness. There are no complicated comparisons of particular societies, cultures, religions, or beliefs. By following the insights in this book, incorporating your beliefs and value systems, and committing to get back to good, you will find your personal way to promote goodness. The way to peace and happiness is for each person to find and travel their individual path back to good - individually.collectively.we can bring humanity Back to Good