In his Confessions, Arthur Pekar describes his life of Involuntary Celibacy. Sexual desire is an important part of life because it is the means by which we can express physical love and have satisfying relationships. The author wants others who feel "different" to benefit from his experiences. He could not fully participate in life either as a heterosexual or homosexual because he lacked physical sexual desire. He resorted to alcohol and found God in the process of his recovery from this addiction. He now realizes that we are all perfect in God's eyes and nothing can change how He feels about us. This memoir will appeal to people of faith who believe that God can be an active partner in their lives. The noted Evangelical Christian preacher, Dr. Tony Campolo, has written, "People who are asexual may have a special gift from God that enables them to serve the Lord without the entanglements of this world." The original intended title of this memoir was Walking With God, but Arthur feels that he must share everything with his readers. In his walk with God, he stumbled many times. Come and share his journey.