Jim Adduci has worked in a tire shop, a printing company, driven a dump truck and a taxi. In October of 1989, at the age of 40, he went to prison on a drug charge. Knowing he had at least 3 years to serve, he felt depressed and very angry with himself for allowing this to happen. He wanted to accomplish something good to make up for his mistakes and for hurting his family. He decided to write a short story for children (The Camping Trip)about how to deal with life’s situations. At the age of 44, he moved to Florida for the weather and a new start. He has a second book, ESCAPISM for adults of poems, essays and short stories. Jim spent his childhood summers building go-carts, climbing the tallest trees, running carnivals in his back yard, riding his bike, waiting for the Good Humor man, and taking the bus and the subway into Boston to go to the joke shops. He was 13 years old when he went camping with two friends for the first time without adult supervision in the Blue Hills near Boston. Autobiography for ESCAPISM. I grew up in a hard-working neighborhood called Dorchester which is part of Boston.It was mostly Irish, Italian and Polish Catholics. I went to a Catholic school and played in the Little League. I had a wonderful family and a playful, but mischievous childhood which carried over into adulthood. So I was always getting into trouble from the age of 7 to 40.To this day I can’t adequately explain why, except to say that I loved the excitement; the adrenaline rush of living life on the edge. Well, I paid for it, and now I’m trying to atone for it.