Think passion is all over once you hit forty? Well, think again. Jaded after a series of failed relationships Cate McCormack's channeling her 'inner romantic' into her very successful books. Author of a series of contemporary takes on traditional fables and legends, Cate's surprised to find herself caught up in her own fairytale as two 'princes', one young and handsome and the other rich and powerful, vie for her affections. Head battles with heart as Cate slays the twin dragons of public perception and dented self-esteem to assert her right to her very own happy ending. KT Casha does it again. Set in fabulous locations in Hollywood, London, Venice and Southern France, The Truth about Fairytales is her take on one of the biggest issues facing today's independent woman - what's the man in our life actually for? And, if you're in a position to choose, why not have it all?