ATTENTION TRAINERS: It’s Not About YOU - It’s About the LEARNER!What is the biggest mistake a trainer can make? Quite simply, it is focusing all of their efforts on themselves and not their students! Many inexperienced trainers fall into this trap, but it doesn’t have to happen to you! This book provides easy-to-execute examples that, when utilized, will make any rookie trainer look like a seasoned pro in just one day! You will learn how to structure the classroom experience in such a positive way that I guarantee it will make a difference in your professional life and in the lives of your participants. The techniques outlined in this book will help you to become the Great Trainer you have always wanted to be - because although good trainers may know these methods, Great Trainers make it happen!Inside, you will discover how to: -Create an inviting physical and emotional learning environment for your students. An inviting learning environment leads to higher levels of participation, retention, and on-the-job application!-Be less of an instructor and more of a "Tour Guide." Utilizing tour guide techniques will make your class anything-but-ordinary, causing people to look forward to your next event!-Utilize Great Trainer techniques whether you’re facilitating a 5-day course, a 60-minute training session, or a 15-minute presentation!-Apply the techniques that will help you go WACCO for your participants - without spending a dime!Get on the road to continuous training improvement and start reading!