The sharp memory of the grandmother of this 80 year old author provided the incentive for writing this memoir, Proud to be Proud. Her grandmother recalls vividly the personality of her mother-in-law, Mimya, who came to America from Africa on a slave ship. This family experienced a tragedy in post-reconstruction Georgia which necessitated their flight from the state. This was a family secret which was not revealed for more than 60 years. They began a new life in Alabama in the small town of Anniston. Religion and issues of race were unavoidable in writing this true story. Mary Dillingham is the daughter of a Baptist minister, who grew up in the Bible belt. Religion was an integral part in the life of her family. Their achievements, despite the handicaps of racism, shows great strength and determination. Many historical moments in America are recalled as seen through the eyes of Afro-Americans. These include the emancipation of slaves, Reconstruction in the South, the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Civil Rights Movement. There are also chapters of deeply personal experiences in the life of the author. Many people will be able to relate to these events.