This book chronicles the rearing of an African-American child in the "Upsouth" during the 1950s and 1960s, and his experiences as an adult in another world-the F.B.I. The author walks the reader through many harrowing experiences; several nearly fatal, growing up in St. Louis and also with the F.B.I. His life with the F.B.I. will take you through the "urban jungles" of several U.S. cities to the tropical rainforests and islands of the Caribbean. The author details his personal experiences with segregation coupled with lessons taught by his family and older friends. Highlighted early in the book is the author''s controversial admission to college at the age of eighteen. This book focuses on family history lessons taught by his elders whom he used as a guide for his education, and his career in law enforcement. The author highlights the controversy he caused in his family, when he defied his parents'' wishes, and joined the F.B.I in 1979. His fascinating career covers 21 1/2 years of complex federal investigations and dangerous undercover operations. The author sums up his experiences and career with the F.B.I. by examing the differences between him and scores of criminals he arrested over the years. After reading this book, you will discover the values of strong parents, knowledge of one''s history, and thanking The Almighty everyday.