Seven Celestial Warriors have been found...but Takiko has just learned that eight are needed. To win the arrogant, powerful Hagus over to her side, Takiko promises to rescue his twin brother, Teg, who embodies the lost half of his Celestial power. Deep in enemy territory, Takiko prepares to face Prince Temdan and his followers. As the war for Genbu begins, the Celestial Warriors leap into the fray...but the first battle will exact a terrible price!
This exciting prequel to VIZ Media's best-selling fantasy series, Fushigi YA簿聶翻gi, tells the story of the very first priestess of the Four Gods--the Priestess of Genbu! When schoolgirl Takiko Okuda attempts to destroy her father's translation of The Universe of the Four Gods, she is instead literally sucked into the story, becoming the Priestess of Genbu in an epic journey to find the seven Celestial Warriors!