R to L (Japanese Style). In an unsettling development, Kid Muscle faces bad guys so evil they can only be countered with...other bad guys. Deep inside the evil fortress known as General Palast, the Kid finds himself outnumbered by the unruly, chaotic and ruthless Demon Seeds. Fortunately, a whole gang of reformed baddies from the past has his back. They're calling themselves the Army of Idols, and they're ready to stomp the Demon Seeds and look totally awesome doing it.First up is Hanzo, the face-stealing nasty from Kid Muscle's Fire Challenge, schooling the aquatic menace Gepparland. Next, Comrade Turbinski of Superhuman Olympics fame faces Meltdown, a fellow vehicular superhuman, and teaches him that in Soviet Russia, asphalt eats you! This is your life, Kid Muscle, and it's a legacy of sweet, sweet beatdowns!