"The Teacher" is a personal collection of original reflections, letters, short stories and expositions about life, spirituality and science. "Reflections" contains sixty nine creative writings of poetry, creative prose, and dialogue. They journey to the heart of the values of life. They speak about love, family, religion, schools, science, and the experiences of everyday life. "Letters" contains forty one letters written to scientists and editors of scientific magazines. They unfold from beginning to end as a journey of discussion about science, religion, the evolution of life, Natural Selection, and the nature of nature. They plead with the men of science and religion to find common ground that can amplify each others work and purpose. They call for new spiritual enlightenments that can embrace the new knowledge of science and the literary scholars. "Short Stories" contains sixteen stories, twelve of which describe true experiences that occurred in the life of the author. Four are fictional stories written to express a feeling or view, one being part of a larger work. "Expositions" contains five writings that reflect the author's view of subjects such as Jesus, Jerusalem and personal family.