A whistle-stop tour, scattered with awkward adolescence and first encounters with original sin. Escape through the ever-open doorway of the church. Voluntary service in the RAF to avoid being conscripted and progress into police work and Forces Broadcasting in 2nd TAF (Tactical Air Force) in Germany. This ended by ridiculous fall into temptation and danger. Civvy street, and a series of jobs in a disastrous and unsuccessful trample to find an occupation that was tailormade.
Matrimony to the beautiful woman from chapter two begins to shape the future, then college education making friends and enemies and more serious gaffs along the way. Drama study in college and comedy at home with the birth of children in a bygone age.
Gentle beginnings of student life and consequent exciting discovery of true vocation. Eureka A place in the real world at the age of thirty teaching in one school. That awful Monday morning feeling never intruded into it. Becoming a magistrate at thirty eight, after which no other jobs but a succession of joys; children, comfortable living; many performances of plays as actor or director, and thrilling, hilariously funny episodes. The search intensifies to find God as middle-age beckons. The kids leave home and disaster strikes in the torturous illness which ends the story. The last chapter should really be: "Marie Curie tries to save the day ... Palliative care, Parting and Prayer"