Cutting through the obfuscations and doubletalk of Christian theology, Shattering the Christian Looking Glass stunningly and systematically dismantles the towering edifice of Catholic dogma, which rests like a mammoth inverted pyramid on the belief in the reality of the Garden of Eden and the world-changing events that allegedly occurred there. Proceeding from this belief, the Church beginning in the 1st century--accepting as gospel the uniformly unprovable New Testament hearsay accounts of Jesus' birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection--created tenet by tenet its monolithic doctrine. Shattering challenges the validity of the Church's dogma and the legitimacy of the Church itself.
Based upon the author's painstaking in-depth study of the history of Christianity and the Catholic Church, Shattering is short, highly readable, but immensely powerful. Devout Catholics and other Christians will detest this book. The Catholic Church will denounce it and its author, but fear its message. Nevertheless, the author still believes in the soundness and power of Jesus' teachings.
Hundreds of books have criticized the Catholic Church, but none dismembers the Church's dogma with such devastating effect, with so few words, and with such powerful, focused logic and common sense as Shattering.