Prez Lives is the riveting narrative centered upon Ralph Waldo Emerson Jones's Prez's] dedication of more than half a century to opening doors through which many poor and disenfranchised students could pass to secure better life quality for themselves and succeeding generations. In this unprecedented work, Dr. Frances Swayzer Conley records the nostalgically resonant voices of Grambling alumni who passed through the doors that Prez opened.
Aside from portraying Prez as a loving, paternal enabler, Prez Lives captures the enormity of his political savvy, an asset which gained him national renown. Additionally, this publication reveals a refreshing departure from the cloistered, ivory-tower image associated with many college presidents. A man of wit and wisdom, Ralph Waldo Emerson Jones enjoyed much admiration and goodwill among students, academicians, politicians, business leaders, and everyday citizens.
Laced with scores of embedded tangential gems, the pages of Prez Lives unfold in a tone that is conversational, friendly, and interactive. At once captivating and informational, its voices expand the horizon of what is known about Prez and help to preserve his stature for posterity. Prez Lives is an unconditional must-read