To embrace the hope of some sense of the presence of God in the midst of benign persecution and overt degradation is to walk a jagged edge along a precipice, whose chasm is insanity. And yet there are those of us who make these often-solitary journeys in silence, with little medication, no adulation, and a naked hope of Divine vindication, which would bring eternal acceptance and appreciation. I am such a one. What follows is the result of a search for a sight of God through the lens prescribed by the paradox of life. It is sent to you in hope that together we might catch a glimpse of glory, that we may transcend the dimensions of torment, and, if only in snatches, to bask in freedom while yet alive. As you contemplatively read, may your life be changed in ways that inspire you to endure the hardships of your lives with hope. May you become more intimate with and dependent on Christ, as well as introspective in ways that make you generous to others.