A young boy who spent the first fourteen years of his life wealthy and protected suddenly faced five years of fighting to stay alive in Japanese concentration camps. Author Pieter R. Wiederhold wonders how he managed to survive at all during that difficult and horrifying time. He shares the untold story of the "other holocaust" and the courage and endurance of the persecuted people in his biography The Soul Conquers. Indonesia was a three hundred-year old Dutch colony at the time of the World war, and during its Japanese occupation the country suffered greatly. Many historians called this brutal occupation, with lasted until 1945, "the other holocaust". The harrowing event provides the setting for a mesmerizing true story. In this memoir, Wiederhold bares his life story, recalling his experiences in the intern camps with his father and a fellow prisoner named Aaron Vandenberg - God-loving man who became a source of strength for the author and his father. The Soul Conquers is a fascinating story of a young boy and his father struggling to stay alive. The author's vivid childhood experiences give us a glimpse of the sufferings during war and the inner strength that comes from the people's will to survive. This captivating tale is Wiederhold's tribute to the strength of the power of human spirit and a friendship of epic proportions.