You and I are surrounded by stories. Wherever you live makes no difference. Things happen to you and to me and take on all aspects of living. Some are humorous; others can be sobering. Sometimes the event causes real thinking, and it is still not possible to understand the event. When and if history is made we remember those things forever. Without a doubt the purpose of the printing of SwedeLand columns is for your enjoyment. The columns (stories) printed in this book tell of life and growing up on a farm in middle America, from the Depression days of the '30's to the retirement tales of the 21st Century. The events I have written about actually occurred. Sometimes I have written about things I do not understand. Believe me, there are many things I do not understand. As you read you will soon learn that family and friends are a vital part of my life. I first started writing in 1986 and the stories you read here were published in the Stratford Courier, the weekly Stratford, IA newspaper. The selections for the military section were difficult to choose. When a person is 18 and older and exposed to the scenes of War, it leaves an impression never to be forgotten. These military columns are about many of my friends I grew up with. As you read some of my stories and incidents of my life I hope they will cause you to revisit your past as you no doubt have had similar experiences as we travel this beautiful journey called Life.