Nineteen-year-old Naomi Abram is lost at sea with her heart-throb, a Bible, and a notebook, and crash-lands on a beach, in the dark, in Puerto Rico. She boards the wrong plane for home, and unwittingly enters the U.S.A., where she lives an undocumented, stagnant lifestyle. Naomi is forced to lie about where she’s from, in order to maintain employment; but her conscience keeps her moral values tame. She experiences horror, when her landlady dies; grief and guilt, when her brother dies; fright and fear, when confronted by law enforcement; and joy, when she sneaks out of the Country and visits her family. While in Antigua, she learns that a new culture, Rastafarianism, is sweeping the island. After waiting and hoping for more than a decade, Naomi’s presence in the U.S.A. is finally documented.