A man puts a message in a bottle and hopes someone will find him. God put a message in His Son and hopes we will find Him. A father puts a message in his children and hopes they will find God HOLY SPIRIT-2006 God wants to mentor, protect and empower your children. We release God to do this by blessing our children. As spiritual beings our children need to be informed, educated and empowered to succeed in life. I know that every parent wants their child to succeed. This book informs, educates and empower every parent to do the following for their child. Plant seeds of success in their heart. Water the tender heart of their child. See their child transformed into a young adult fully equipped to meet life's challenges. I promise you, no, God guarantees it by His very own word. "And all your spiritual] children shall be disciples taught by the LORD and obedient to His will] and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children." Isaiah 54:13 (Amplified Bible)