Barefoot & Naked on the Banks of the Altamaha River, a fictional anthology with the main character based on the author’s and other women’s life in the deep- south. The anthology rises and falls with joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, hope and despair. At times, it is governed by a smidgen of faith, other times, mustard seed faith. The stage is set in the deep-south in the era of black and white TVs, rotary phones, party lines, unlocked doors and windows. Small bottle cokes cost five cents, large ones six cents. There were Dime Stores instead of Dollar Stores. The scene is set in motion with a young girl living in an unspoiled world of love, laughter and friendships. The scene-scape moves and changes rapidly. As years pass, this perfect world is blemished by bitterness, anger, and hate as death, adultery, and sickness erode the spirit and cripple the soul. Amid the years were trials and tribulations, flights and fights, and storms that brewed, and, there were some deep shit bipolar times. This was the era of growing up, of love and laughter--the era of innocence. It was life at the highest and life at the lowest ebbs. From southern girl who is nurtured to southern matriarch who nurtures, it is a tale spawning from first light to midnight. It is the eve of a new dawn.