This book is about a week in my shoes, in the summer after my Freshman year of high school. Obviously, a lot happened that year or else I wouldn't have enough bullshit to write about. If you can't tell already, I'm supposed to be retarded and I walk a bit different than other people but, if you think my parents worship me because I'm still alive, you should definitely read this book. Another thing is, I've heard a lot of, "You're just doing this to get pity from everybody," before this book even got published. The fact of the matter is, I don't want attention, pity, sympathy, or any of that, I want money. If you have to, you can say that buying this book is a charity to me, if that'll make it easier for you to buy this book. I probably sound like a total bitch by this point, so I'll quit writing and let you start reading about Life in my shoes.