Tom Nelson has continued to write about his favorite hometown of Fennimore, Wisconsin in a weekly newspaper column over recent years. What started out as a short term assignment with the Fennimore Times has become a popular feature with that paper. His first book of short stories--That's My Story, And I'm Sticking to It -- resulted in smiles and fond recollections for many reader's own memories of growing up in less complicated times. His personal reminiscences have evolved into a historical description of the character-- and characters--of small town life in the mid twentieth century. He claims all his stories are true, involving friends and acquaintances from his past--but admits to an embellishment, on occasion. Now he again revisits the memories of his youth from the 1940s and '50s to share more tales of his favorite times and events. He cautions the reader that these too could be their stories.merely change the names and your friends may appear on every page.