The Cry for Spiritual Reality will stir you to pursue the Kingdom of God with new vigor and vitality. It will confront those hindrances, failings and obstacles bringing them into the light so that you might "walk in the light as He is in the light" and walk in overcoming and victorious faith.
The Cry for Spiritual Reality is a collection of articles that will call you to relationship with Him who is your life and Him who is your victory. Christ's indwelling presence is sufficient to swallow the stumbling blocks of both heart and life which have kept His overcoming power and presence from obtaining for you all He has purchased for you at Calvary's cross - if you will only hear and obey, believe and receive.
The Cry for Spiritual Reality will help you find the inward power of the Spirit to prevail against all of those present things intent on holding you down and holding you back from both your destiny and inheritance which are found only in Christ. It is in this abiding relationship with Jesus where you will find the satisfying of all your deepest spiritual hunger and cravings