The author believes that God has a master plan for everyone. However, far too many people don't even think about what their purpose is in life. At times she asks God "what is it you want me to do in life?" But she knows that as a Christian, she is going to share how good God is to her, as well as, the others who serve Him diligently. God has taught her a great deal about His purpose and will for her life. She often finds herself witnessing to others about how good God is, without even being aware of it. As a believer, she believes that Jesus wants a person to use the gifts He has given to them to help others. This is the time for us, as Christians, to witness the love of Jesus. We should share our testimony to our family, friends, and especially to those who we don't know. We can no longer live off our parents or grandparents testimonies. As a believer in Christ, we should have our own testimony. In this book, you will see how God has gifted the author and others to serve mankind through their vocations, and to be an eyewitness of God's love through others.