"In Times of Great Flood" presents an eclectic collection of stories about Sicilian immigrant life and family experiences spanning from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Along with these personal tales, Author Anthony Peranio interweaves humorous Sicilian stories and fables and autobiographical descriptions of landmarks in his life and family history. Anthony was first and foremost a scientist-an inventor, a deep thinker, and philosopher, predicting events and economical changes years before they actually occurred. In addition to personal stories, "In Times of Great Flood" offers enlightening and thought-provoking observations expressing Anthony's thoughts and views on life on this ever-changing, often surprising planet. He shares his philosophical ideas concerning human nature and survival within a complicated, difficult, and challenging environment, Anthony passed away after a long illness, unable to complete "In Times of Great Flood." Now presented here is his incomplete work, which, viewed as a whole, offers insight, humor, and potent warnings for the future.