There are several ways this journal can serve you. You can begin with Epiphany #1, work through it for an entire week and move on to the next Epiphany. Or, you might find one that resonates loudly. You can begin there and it might take you more than one week to answer the question to your satisfaction. Or, you might want to connect with one or more friends and you answer the questions together and support each other's efforts. Bring the Journal into your daily living in order to nourish and strengthen your spirit. Find your quiet space and invite God in. This is your opportunity to spend time with the One who created you and to learn more about His plan for your life. He will provide you with answers, often times by asking more questions. You must place this time on your daily calendar in order that it becomes a part of who you are. My prayer is that you will find the joy within that is so wonderful and keeps you from ever feeling alone. My prayer is that you will go deep within to answer the questions. The more you know about yourself, the more empowered you will feel. You have so much to offer. Don't waste another minute. The world is waiting for you to make a difference. Permission Granted