圖書名稱:Whited Out: Unique Perspectives on Black Identity and Honors Achievement
Pittman (instruction and curriculum, Kean U.) presents the results of a research study he conducted into black participation in a collegiate honors program at the U. of Southern New England. He conducted in-depth interviews with six black students who were either dismissed from the program because of poor academic performance or had withdrawn voluntarily and a further six black students who remained in the program. The interviews focused on the participants' perceptions of academic success; the factors that influenced these perceptions; and the extent to which collegiate honors membership impacted their academic achievement, social engagements, and racial self-identities. Of central concern to the study is the extent to which feared and real accusations of "acting White" may contribute to the low participation rate of blacks in collegiate honors education. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)