Dick Juge served the Coast Guard for four years, 1955 - 1959. After his tour of duty he went to Louisiana State University on the GI Bill to major in Architecture, but later transferred to the University of New Orleans changing his major to business/construction. Eventually went into the real estate business and then his forty years career in insurance as an agent - the last 35 with State Farm. During these years he helped establish a community swim/country club as membership chair and president during financing/design/construction/opening, then became President of his subdivision’s Civic Association and many years served with the Kiwanis Club of Algiers and many other civic organizations. Has been Chairman of the Bering Sea Patrol - Alaska Veterans Assn. Also has designed and constructed his home, office, fishing facilities, rental units and current condo he lives in with his wife during this period. He earned the professional designations of CLU, CPCU and ChFC while in the insurance business and served in several agent and industry orientated organizations. He’s been married since October 1960 to Nancy Kuss Juge, has two children. One daughter Jenny Juge Kottler (an event manager) and husband Bob Kottler plus one son Richard E. Juge (a commercial real estate broker) and wife Beth Warren Juge; has four grandchildren, Sarah Dunn, Charlie, Max and Isabelle Juge. Hobbies include travel, fellowship, fishing and lots of computing.