GEORGE WILLIAM (BILL) HOSKING was born on May 29, 1923. In pursuit of his dreams, Bill joined the Navy. The outcomes were far different than what he had dreamed but the adventure was very real. This book is about the beginning of the career of Lt. Commander, George William Hosking. Bill, as his close friends know him, was an average lad born in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1923. After high school his dreams took him on an adventure he would never have imagined. His experiences, drive, and support of his comrades have granted him the honor that he so deserves today. It is our hope that by him telling his story you will appreciate the sacrifices made by so many afore of the freedom our society and many others now enjoy. In the year of 2007, there are not many left that can tell a story that is as adventurous as this one. For those interested in history, this is fascinating. George William Hosking resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico.