About "Who Is God?" Who is god? is written for all humankind. It contains a most powerful message about two way communications between the reader and God. Getting to know God requires communication. In other words, the prerequisite to "getting to know" is two way communications between the reader and God. The reader actually becomes interactive with God. A fundamental communications model is presented illustrating some of the simplicities and some of the complexities associated with communicating. However, the book proceeds to make two-way communicating quite simple between the reader and God. This simplicity is achieved by identifying, defining, and elaborating on terms relevant to good communications. The reader asks: "Who am I?," and an answer is provided. This is followed by an introduction to God, followed by an introduction to Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, and love. With this background, the reader communicates with God, and God communicates with the reader. Who is god? informs the reader as to how God communicates with the reader; how the reader communicates with God; some of God's messages to the reader; some of the reader's messages to God; and finally the reader's conclusions after knowing himself or herself and God better. The profound impacts of Who is god? on the reader are: 1) recognition of the true God, God of the Holy Bible; 2) realization that God has established the ultimate communication model; and 3) realization that this type of relationship with God is both: a) the source of peace and joy, and b) the solution to terrorism, crime, addiction, prejudice, and deprivation.