Drafted in the army at the age of eighteen while living in Phoenix Arizona,
Donnell completed his army training in the Deep South in middle sixties. Then
shipped to Vietnam where he was assigned to The 2nd and 18th Infantry
Unit with the 1st Army Division, on an operation assignment as his platoon
was separated from the main unit and pinned down behind enemy lines. Had
to fight their way out and back to their main unit. Then transferred to 2nd &
16th Rangers attached to the 1st Division. In a ranger unit and forced to be
a sniper. Then lift in the jungle and reported dead and missing too his mother
and family. Wounded in the jungles of Vietnam somehow he found his way
back and was rescued by another unit. Med Evace. to Zama hospital near
Tokyo Japan where he recovered from his wounds, his military records were
lost and they did not know who he was for weeks. Then assigned to a radio
and TV station located Soul Korea (AFKN) where he finished his military tour
Before returning to the States.