What deeply buried secrets does history endure? Are we who we are? Find your world scandalously shaken as Cynthia, Queen of Scots and America, reveals the Secret of the Secret in her latest book, I Am Your God Mother Forgive Me. After exposing a volatile mystery in I Am Why They Killed Diana, Cynthia Gunn, daughter of the True High King of Scotland, comes back to the literary scene with a new and more explosive revelation--The Secret of the Secret. Find out what lies are hidden within the present monarchy and what it takes to save the world from 'Doomsday,' an apocalyptic event that will arrive in the form of a comet-rup. There is only one way to be saved. And it begins by reading this book. "Of our first parents, so-called, Adam and Eve. You hold in your hand, see with your eyes and/or, hear with your ears... All the Information Needed, Herein, book two and excerpts of books three, four, five and six, all of which, will help you, Help Us... as we continue, our Earthly experience, as Human Beings, whilst we navigate, the stormy sea of consciousness, simply and directly, with regard to all that is, was and is yet to be... the Truth and Proof..." Don't take it for granted that you're living in a real world; knowing the truth will set you free. Take it from the Queen herself, Cynthia Anne Marie Gunn.