Soon mankind will reach its ultimate climax in the struggle between the forces of good and evil. Ever since the fall of man the human race has been placed at enmity against his creator. Prior to Lucifer's (Satan's) fall from heaven he declared himself to be God's equal. He challenged the sovereignty of God and His Kingdom (Government). As a result of the rebellion of Lucifer (Satan) he was sentence to hell. As a result of the warfare in heaven he was able to deceive one third of the angelic host. Man relinquished his domain to Satan because of his disobedience and likewise the ultimate consequence which was given Lucifer. God however has redeemed the human race by the sacrifice of His Son who put upon himself human flesh, lived a sinless life and went to the cross to shed his blood for the redemption of mankind. This is called the gospel and those who accept the gospel comprise the Church. Satan is an enemy to the Christian Church. As he has done throughout the history of mankind he's always created a fake truth. He has established for himself his followers with deception. Those who choose to allow themselves to be deceived and embrace his falsehoods must likewise perish along with him in HELL.