In his second of a three book series, the Christopher Choate continues to explore the wonders of a relationship with the Divine Heart. Together with artists Eve Hennessa, Isabel Castaneda and Roy Petersen, the author focuses on what it means to worship God. Is it an act of one-way communication, or is it a transaction of sorts that transforms us in the end? Consider this an invitation for you to journey with him on the quest to experience The Beautiful Wound. "Chris uses words like incense. They rise up in worship to the throne room of the creator of the universe. And love that has existed since before the foundations of the earth were formed rains down from above. Captured in a grateful heart it rises once again in creative expression. This poetry must be read aloud, allowing pregnant pauses that give birth to thankful hearts who come again and again to worship. The poetry and the works of art are evidence that each of us is created in the image of God." David Ruleman The Gate DC