Elizabeth Laird Manson was born on the 27th of November 1926 in a well-known Northern Scottish village called John o' Groats (locally known as Groats) at the very north tip of mainland Scotland. Little did anyone know when she was born that she was destined to be the district nurse on the Island of Stroma. The island of Stroma lies between John o' Groats and the Islands of Orkney, a few miles from her home, and from where her story begins................... "Nurse Manson," a voice bellowed, "where have you been?" Bessie's heart lifted because she was so glad to see the nurses coming towards her, even if Sister looked annoyed. Sister continued, saying "In future you must come on the bus that you say you are coming on. Do you understand?" ........... Sister ushered the hysterical Bessie into her office and asked her to explain what the problem was at once. Every time Bessie tried to tell her she laughed even more.