"FROM MAN'S ABUSE TO THE WOMAN GOD LOOSED" My burdens, they had me bound; I was lost, but now I'm found. I had a zeal of God, but I didn't know me; Jesus loosed me, and now I'm free. The tears I've shed were because of great pain; my mind was confused, sin had me insane. When the church doors opened, I was often the first one in, looking and acting holy, while living in sin. I was hurting, and now I'm healed; I was empty, but now I'm filled. Angry at God and me, I didn't feel any love, not realizing that true love comes from above. I had studied the Word, but didn't know God's plan. I was seeking God, but trusting in man. This was the foundation, the key to my abuse. Within a moment, I was set free, when Jesus said: "WOMAN, THOU ART LOOSED "