America In Conflict - His Own Blood Part 2 is an exciting sequel to His Own Blood This Time Is For The Son He Never Knew. It is a powerful story that has action, adventure, excitement and even an element of love, which makes this book a compelling work of fiction that will keep you enticed to the very last drop, and will hopefully want you to come back sometime in the future to read the anticipated 3rd story, titled: His Own Blood - One Time Too Many. Brief Synopsis: After America had her heart ripped out suffering extreme terrorist attacks, a legendary soldier has to reluctantly fly with a co-pilot from Unit Invincible to help regain his confidence after seeing his colleague die in extreme circumstances. After being shot down in the Korean jungle where his son and the President of America are already trying to escape from, his colleagues land quickly to pull him to safety, only for some of them to be captured shortly afterwards, resulting in, and after finding his daughter's crucifix to have to once more protect His Own Blood. Dedication taken from book: I would like to dedicate this book to the people that were sadly killed, injured or just happened to witness the atrocity of 9/11, 07/07 and our heroes that have served and are still serving in Afghanistan. We shall never forget And then: One man: Remember the name. One character: Remember the soldier. One iconic actor: Remember the legend who is quite simply the best of the best and probably expendable.