Every child of God encounters spiritual warfare on many fronts. To help us to win our battles, the Lord of Hosts gave us the Holy Spirit as our Helper against the forces of hell. Relationship with Him is imperative as He brings with Him all that we will need to become more than conquerors. Every believer needs to manifest the character of Christ in waging war against the enemy. Every believer has a call of God, is anointed and graced, and must be able to function effectively in the Kingdom of God. Every believer must become conscious of the spiritual strategy to wage war against the enemy and be victorious. Every believer must become fully equipped to continue to establish God's Kingdom purpose on the earth. Every believer must discover connection with the Master's vision of the results expected. . The Holy Spirit endows us with the capacity for winning every battle. . The Holy Spirit equips us with the ability to wage successful warfare. . The Holy Spirit encourages us with the strategy of a Kingdom warrior. . The Holy Spirit enlightens us with the mentality derived from the wisdom of God. . The Holy Spirit enables us with authority as we connect with the Master's vision. The picture that God has of every Kingdom Warrior must become realized in our individual lives. The church must aligned itself with the Vision that God has of it, and not seek to compromise God's vision for His church. We can be all that God said we will be, do all that He raised us up to do, and have all that He has promised us.