A light has gone out, and his world has crumbled in a single afternoon. Haunted by regrets, fallen hero Tang-Law flees across the breadth of a continent, from feudal China to the stormy coast along the Mediterranean. Far from home, he despairs until he enters the orbit of a noble family.. He allows a glimmer of hope to take hold, and he lingers to share their soaring joys and glorious tragedies. It is here that a gentle woman begins to chip down his walls and revive the sensitive soul buried under layers of pain. But she has also stepped between two bitter rivals who must soon duel for the fate of a city. Friends, lovers, and mortal enemies now stand ready to clash at an axis of furious destiny, and none will ever be the same. At once a timeless love story and an odyssey of redemption and self-discovery, The Tang gallivants through an Old World panorama rich with intense dreams and unforgettable people.