1) A book about mortality being clothed upon with Blissful Immortality in the Here and Now.
2) A book which succinctly renders the concepts of birth, ageing, disease, suffering, and death- as though they NEVER were.
3) A book which is designed to strip the swaddling clothes of delusion from the entire human race.
4) The Crest Of The Wave that ushers in- in all Its Glorious Fullness, the Truth regarding Transcended God Consciousness and Body Ascension which sweeps the earth clean of mortal or death consciousness in a single generation.
5) The revelation that Man erases his every limitation through His True Divine Self completely arisen.
6) A book which defines the other delusion called Self-realization.
7) A book revealing the True Nature of The Greater Works- showing in no uncertain terms, that the Ascended Master identifies Him or Herself alone with and as the Reality of Absolute Perfection- and therefore does not in any instance, deal with delusion.
8) A Prophetic View of America and the world beyond from the significant viewpoints of- The Ascended Masters of the Far East- The Hopi Prophecy and the Mayan calendar ending- Dec.21, AD 2012
Is Dedicated to the Timeless Emanation of Infinite Consciousness in Boundless Expression As Immortality and Perfection Absolute In Radiant Light Body or Physical Form- Here, Now, and Always.