Worship of this ancient mythical god has produced distorted political and social systems. This is the foundation of today's values and worldview among general populations of the so-called civilized world. Tradition (slow cultural conditioning) and the use of modern social engineering manufactured the world we have today. A world controlled by a few small powerful groups in the area of religion, politics and commerce. In the hands of unscrupulous people, fear and greed have been sown and cultivated individually and nationally, for wealth and power of their particular limited group rather than for the common good. This book amply illustrates the political, social, commercial and theological mess that we have inherited as a consequence. The exclusivity of the three main stream religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam has brought the world to the brink of disaster. The only solution to this is through a particular style of Education already in use worldwide. Early intervention is vital. This book does not destroy faith, it encourages and focuses it as a rational, experiential recognition of the individual and collective human spirit. The collective consciousness must be harnessed for the Herculean task of saving humanity from the fate of self inflicted annihilation.