This millennium of the Christian era came with wars-war against imperialism and war on terrorism, war on infidels and war against evil. That is more than enough for a miserable Vietnamese, born in the beginning of the 1939-1945 World War, grown up during the 1945-1975 civil wars over that miserable country, and terminated right at the end of his 35th year of age, that miserable year: 'Dust taken out of the ground', he had returned to dust off the ground, waiting these thirty five years now for the return as dust to the ground. On his spiritual journey backwards some millennia into the Ancient Hebrews' spirituality, he discovered their YHVH-God who has never been ever taught of before-as whose challenge that is "Let us reason together " has been taken up ever since 1986-in view of a post-postmodern world without any of the political intrigue, military violence, and global terrorism that could never be justified in front of YHVH-under whose Spirit the vision shall be no utopia.