Dr. Moebius, a madman with a flair for the absurd, creates a Holographic, simulated Universe that he calls ProbablePolis, and then promptly kidnaps his senior lab assistant, Dr. Limberly Rondell, to vanishes into it for all time. Limberly's husband, Shard Rondell, a special forces commando with the MoonClock Project, goes in after her through the MoonClock Gate and is never heard from again. Moebius thinks he has all bases covered, but he's done far too good a job of programming the LOGOS, an autonomous sentient software program that runs all ProbablePolis; the LOGOS manages to figure out how to coax the Rondells ten year old daughter, little Nowar Rondell, to come into the breach to help save her Mother and Father, and hopefully, all of ProbablePolis...
This book is a Theosophany of sorts, an adventurous journey through metaphysical pop culture, combining elements of humor, quantum physics, gnosticism, history, mythology, geometry, musicology and fantasy into what could otherwise be misconstrued as an exercise in an action-adventure.