The Life Of William Carey, D.D.; Shoemaker And Missionary. PREFACE. ON the death of WiIliam Carey in I834 Dr. Joshua llicrshman promised to write the Life of his great colleague, with whom he had held almost daily converse since the beginning of the century, but he survied too short a time to begin the work. As a writer of culture, in full sympathy and frequent correspondence with Carey, the Rev. Christopher Anderson, of Edinburgh, was even better fitted for the task. In 1830 the Rev. Eustace Carey anticipated him by issuing what is little better than a selection of mutilated letters and journals made at the request of the Committee of the Baptist Missions Society. It contains one passage of value, howover. Dr. Carey once said to his nephew, whose design he seems to have suspected, Eustace, if after my removal any one should think it worth his while to write my Life, I will give you a criterioil by which you may judge of its correctness.