This Special Edition alternate cover version of ’Fear the Reaper’ is a unique crime thriller that crosses boundaries of other genres, including romance, tragedy, revenge, madness, dark humor and horror, told with the startling intensity that readers of Fritz O’Skennick have come to enjoy... Richard is schizophrenic, upon the brutal demise of the love of his life, events soon spiral out of control as the voices in his head reign a supreme dominance over him, causing him to embark upon a quest to avenge her and bring violent offenders to justice using LSD upon his tied victims and coming to them dressed as the Reaper, shattering their sense of reality as he stages theatrics to enhance the experience and makes them see the error of their ways. He soon gains an anonymous celebrity status in the media, as public reaction to his activities are evenly divided until fatefully he catches the offenders who in essence created his alter ego... Then things take a turn for the worse... How far would you go?