Stewart R. Clegg, Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney was Professor and Chair in Sociology at the University of New England (1985-9), Professor and Chair in Organization Studies at the University of St. Andrews (1990-3), Foundation Professor at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, (1993-6) prior to coming to the University of Technology Sydney. He was a founder of ARPOS (Asian and Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies) and has been co-editor of The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, as well as editor of Organization Studies. He has produced more than seventeen books, including the Academy of Management award-winning Handbook of Organization Studies (SAGE ltd. 1996, with Cynthia Hardy and Walter Nord) [NOTE: 3,830 copies sold]. Dr. Clegg directs the Organizational Researchers on Collaboration and Alliances at UTS, researching all types of organizational and inter-organizational collaboration.
Mark Haugaard is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Sociology, NUI, Galway. His areas of research includesocial and political power, modernity, the problem of social order, and the relationship between nationalism and liberalism. Mark has published many texts and articles including (2003) ′Reflections on Seven Ways of Creating Power′, European Journal of Social Theory,
Making Sense of Collectivity, Power: A Reader, ′Liberalism [and Nationalism] Encyclopaedia of Nationalism, Volume 1 and Power in Contemporary Politics (SAGE)