Mickey and his dedicated team of investigators are called in to another adventure, but this time it’s more than weird. There’s the remains of a ship that has been wrecked in the Bristol Channel, they are told, but it’s two thousand years old and the jars it was carrying hold secrets, vital secrets that could threaten the future of the Christian Church, world-wide. Is that why mysterious people suddenly seem so willing to spy, shoot and kidnap in order to suppress the words that are listed in the containers? In a desperate race to decode the scrolls and save the historic documents from attackers, Mickey organises an escape around the leafy lanes of England, trying to stay one step ahead of the terrorists and two steps ahead of other interested parties - a selfish billionaire, an outraged Archbishop, one or two mad monks and the actual Heir to the English Crown. Who needs that sort of attention? If only Mickey could rely on his team, but the rag-tag bag of people who have put themselves forward to ’help’ him include a policeman, some scientists and more than one person who could be a spy. Still, that’s his job! Mickey needs all his resources, his skill, his tenacity and the one person he can rely on - Melia. His on-off lover is present, but is she there to help, or does she have her own agenda? Only time will tell if they really are made for each other.