導演-奧斯卡最佳導演 大衛歐羅素
主演-好萊塢影星 布萊德利古柏(醉後大丈夫)、珍妮佛勞倫斯(飢餓遊戲)、影壇教父 勞勃狄尼諾
★英國最具影響力閱讀節目《The TV Book Club》年度選書
「我沒瘋,我說每朵烏雲都有銀色的鑲邊,為什麼你們就是看不見呢? 」
※ 繁體中文版《派特的幸福劇本》由馬可孛羅出版。
Pat Peoples knows that life doesn’t always go according to plan, but he’s determined to get his back on track. After a stint in a psychiatric hospital, Pat is staying with his parents and trying to live according to his new philosophy: get fit, be nice and always look for the silver lining. Most importantly, Pat is determined to be reconciled with his wife Nikki. Pat’s parents just want to protect him so he can get back on his feet, but when Pat befriends the mysterious Tiffany, the secrets they’ve been keeping from him threaten to come out . . .
馬修.魁克 Matthew Quick
馬修.魁克離開教職與費城地區之後,以六個月的時間沿著秘魯境內的亞馬遜河漂行、在南非四處自助旅行、健行到白雪皚皚的大峽谷谷底,探索自己的靈魂,最後開啟全職寫作的生涯。他在高達學院取得創意寫作碩士。目前已回到費城,跟妻子、兩人的靈堤犬一起住在當地。魁克還著有獲獎青少年小說《像個搖滾明星》(Sorta Like a Rock Star)、《Boy 21》。
In the six months that followed his leaving teaching and the Philadelphia area, Matthew floated down the Peruvian Amazon and formed ’The Bardbarians’ (a two-man literary circle), backpacked around Southern Africa, hiked to the bottom of a snowy Grand Canyon, soul-searched, and finally began writing full-time. He has since returned to the Philadelphia area, where he lives with his wife and greyhound.