英國水石童書繪本大獎得主蕾貝卡.寇柏(Rebecca Cobb)最新作品
以《紙娃娃手牽手》The Paper Dolls、《誰來吃午餐》Lunchtime作品廣受好評的繪本創作者蕾貝卡.寇柏(Rebecca Cobb),繼備受歡迎的《鱷魚阿姨》Aunt Amelia後,推出二部曲:《Aunt Amelia's House》。清新又溫暖可愛的畫風,充滿幽默感的內容,再加上熟悉感十足卻又充滿想像空間的故事內容,讓這本繪本成為大人小孩最愛的睡前故事!
From the award-winning Rebecca Cobb, illustrator of The Paper Dolls and The Everywhere Bear, comes another lively tale about the very unusual babysitter, Aunt Amelia.
The children are so excited! They are going to stay at Aunt Amelia's House. They always have a brilliant time with her, and can't wait to see what she has in store. But when they arrive, there seems to be no time for games. Instead Aunt Amelia has a long list of chores to do. But from the gardening to the laundry, cleaning the windows to feeding the pets, Aunt Amelia has her own special way of doing things, and fun will not be in short supply!