"One of the most practical works on woodcraft ever written." -Hunter-trader-trapper (1911)
"Kreps walked, trapped, and consorted with Indians, learning much along the way, as well as hobnobbing with other expert trappers around the continent." - The Science of Trapping: Old-Time Lessons on Catching Animals for Fur (2016)
"Elmer Kreps’ Camp and Trail Methods (1910) reveals common chapters on essential wilderness know-how." - The Wilderness Debate Rages on (2008)
- appropriate clothing
- backpacking equipment
- outdoor cooking equipment and recipes
- best types of firearms, knives, and axes
- tents and building shelters
- canoes and hunting boats
- snowshoeing, skiing, sledding
- food provisions to bring
- bush travel
- tanning hides and furs
- preserving game and fish
- and many unique outdoorsman tips In introducing his book Kreps writes: "There are many works on woodcraft, written by sportsmen, fishermen, and campers but only a few of these books were written by practical woodsmen and for people who want to belong to that class. Such books are intended for the big game hunter, or the fisherman who goes for a short stay into some easily accessible location, well equipped, and with a guide who does all of the work and looks after the comfort of those whom he has in charge. This book is a decided departure from that class, as it not only gives the information needed by the tourist and summer camper, but gives special attention to the needs of those practical ones whose calling, whatever it may be, leads them into the wilds and holds them there at all times of the year; the hunter, the fisherman, the trapper, the prospector, the surveyor; all these and many others will find much valuable information in this book."